ETR_quarterly_Summer2014 - page 2

ETR believes individuals and organizations that are intentional
about what they want to accomplish are more likely to succeed.
During the past year, ETR has continued an intensive, ongoing process of intentional change
and organizational transformation. The process has actively involved stakeholders both inside
and outside the organization. Now, at the end of the fiscal year, we’re taking a moment to
pause, reflect on the changes we’ve made, and report our progress.
The ten review questions we’re asking can be useful for anyone navigating these times of
accelerated change.
How well did we fail?
We’re big believers in the iterative process. To avoid
catastrophic failure, fail early, fail often, fix what’s
wrong, learn from your mistakes, then try it out again.
This can be a challenging practice for organiza-
tions with high standards and complex production
or development processes. But it is also becoming an
essential skill in this new world of accelerated change,
and every organization can find useful ways to apply
these principles.
Are we on the right path?
In today’s fast-paced environment, organizations
must engage in continual renewal and transforma-
tion. Yesterday’s path may not be tomorrow’s. What
was exactly on track 6 months ago may not be where
you want to be 18 months from now. In successful
organizations, direction and design are regularly reca-
librated. Ultimately the core question becomes, is our
work still producing an impact, and are we making a
difference for those we serve?
What are we measuring, and how well is that
working for us?
The range of performance metrics available to organi-
zations today is massive and often confounding. But
metrics without meaning don’t help anyone improve
performance or achieve success.
What performance indicators have genuine value
for your organization? Why are these the best measures
in your situation? What are your desired outcomes?
How do you know what you’ve actually achieved?
Are we better off now at year-end than we
were at the beginning of the year?
“Better off ” includes more than just financial sta-
tus. What other things are essential to your organiza-
tion’s success? Staff satisfaction? Gaining recognition
in your service or business universe? Confidence in
your directions for the future?
What have we learned?
What have you learned about your clients/customers,
your competitors, yourselves and your capacities?
How are we viewed by stakeholders?
How do your partners, funders, board members,
clients/customers and other stakeholders see your
organization? Are you setting the course? Viewed as
respected authorities? Regarded as trusted provid-
ers of services or products? Are you seen differently
today than you were a year ago?
How are we viewed by peers and competitors?
What do peer organizations and competitors think
about your organization? Has this changed over the
past year? Are you a more vital player on the field?
Are others seeking your engagement as partners,
co-presenters, leaders?
Are we leading, keeping up or falling behind?
Enough said.
Essential Questions
About Your Impact
uarterly Review 
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