ETR_quarterly_Summer2014 - page 7

ETR’s sales team has a unique role in the agency—directly
contacting health providers and educators across the
nation to present our wide array of print and digital prod-
ucts. As a nonprofit, ETR’s sales efforts have always been
informed and energized by our mission. Proceeds from
our sales are rolled back into the work of developing new
products and keeping our existing materials up to date.
Many customers are surprised to learn that members
of our sales team do not receive commission. Our sales
group works as an integrated team genuinely motivated by
ETR’s commitment to serve. They are knowledgeable and
skillful, and they’re gratified when they help a program or
organization find a good match between their needs and
our products.
ETR’s Mission
To provide science-based innovative
solutions in health and education
designed to achieve transformative
change in individuals, families and
Engaging with Customers in New and ExcitingWays
Our team is always working to find how to best serve
our customers. One of our favorite ways to do this is
what we call listening to customers “on the ground.” We want
to know how people are using our products on the front line.
What kind of services do they provide? What’s their client-
base like? How do their students or patients respond to the
materials? What other kinds of services or products might we
offer that could make their work more successful?
Different team members are focusing on specific geographic
areas now, and tailoring their offerings to what’s going
on in a particular part of the country. We check news and
epidemiology reports to see what kinds of health issues are
most pressing in each area. We check county, state and federal
grant proposals to see what materials people might need to
submit effective applications or complete their scopes of work.
We find ways to make connections between people doing
similar work in a region who may not have met before.
Our team likes going above and beyond because we have so
much respect for the work people are doing out there, and
we really believe in the power of ETR’s products to make a
difference. When we make that match between what people
need and what we offer, or we help someone’s project go a
little more smoothly, or we give an extra boost of support to
their efforts, we feel great about this work we get to do.
John Henry Ledwith
ETR National Sales Manager
John Henry Ledwith
National Sales Manager
Nancy Gonzalez-Caro
Sales Development Specialist
Erin McCarthy
National Sales Representative
WOW! In an age when customer service is
almost obsolete—you excel! Thank you.”
A. K. Scofield
Pinellas County (FL) Schools Health Education
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