ETR_quarterly_Summer2014 - page 3

In today’s fast-paced environment,
organizations must engage in continual
renewal and transformation.
Yesterday’s path may not be tomorrow’s.
Are we on the right path?
What most needs to change?
Change is our constant companion in today’s world of
business, and, today, every organization is in business,
no matter what its charter or mission. You don’t really
get to choose whether or not to change.
Taking a proactive approach allows you to have
more say in the direction of change, build deeper mas-
tery of the elements of transformation, and establish a
stronger, more forward position for your organization.
What do we most need to protect at all costs?
What are your most valuable assets? And which
of these is irreplaceable? Is it the expertise of staff?
The good will of donors? A proprietary mailing list?
Intellectual property? The trust of clients/customers?
Even an organization’s “protect-at-all-cost” ele-
ments may change over time. As organizations adapt
to new environments and become more agile, they
often find they can jettison attributes that once were
prized—a physical plant that no longer matches
the organization’s needs, a product line or service
that is no longer profitable, a perspective about “the
right way to do things” that doesn’t mesh well with
the real-world demands of the current ever-shifting
The following year-end review highlights just a few of
the impressive successes here at ETR over the past year.
You can see other examples in our
I am proud of the inspiring accomplishments of our
staff. Certainly one of the reasons our organization has
been able to achieve so much, so well, in a year of great
transformation, is because our staff are willing to look
deeply and honestly at the ten questions above.
ETR continues to actively seek new partnerships and
opportunities to pursue our mission and promote our
work. Please let us know if you see ways we might share
contributions through our mutual endeavors.
Daniel McCormick, CEO
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