ETR_quarterly_Fall2013_f - page 7

This quarter saw the launch of our
HealthSmart Digital
ETR’s premier K–12 health education curricu-
lum. Now schools have the flexibility to choose from the
traditional print or new digital edition.
HealthSmart Digital Edition
allows schools to work
with e-book versions of all lessons and use instant links
to access student materials and teacher masters. Schools
and teachers can also use the innovative
which helps them design a program that addresses
the risks most relevant to their students and fit the les-
sons into the time they have available to teach health. The
Lesson Planning Tool generates results that correlate to
the CDC’s Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool
(HECAT) and the National Health Education Standards,
and highlights the Common Core State Standards sup-
ported by the lessons.
Going Digital
Reducing the Risk
ETR is continuing to expand our product options by
now offering
Reducing the Risk
(RTR) in digital format.
RTR is one of the most-respected and best-proven evi-
dence-based interventions yet developed, shown to work
in three separate randomized controlled trials.
Educators can now choose the digital version of the
program, which contains an e-book of the complete
teacher guide, with instant links to related worksheets,
role plays, teacher notes and appendixes.
Grove Foundation Funds
Reducing the Risk
ETRhas beenawarded funding fromtheGroveFoundation
to develop a blended-learning adaptation of
Reducing the
that will flip the RTR classroom. Students will work
on didactic materials at home, using self-paced courses
and video, while classroom time will focus on interactive
exercises, skills practice and small-group activities.
Flipping the classroom means students and educa-
tors are more engaged in the learning. Because classroom
time is entirely focused on skills practice and activities,
the total number of sessions will be reduced. These learn-
ing approaches help take proven programs into the future.
We also plan to evaluate the efficacy of the adaptation
in the future, and are working now to secure funds to sup-
port that effort.
Blended Learning is Here
For more information about
the project and research design, contact:
Karin Coyle, PhD 
Programs That Look Forward
Quarterly Report 
FALL 201
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